Things that a property scout will need to work for you are:

  • Reliable transportation
  • Digital Camera
  • Computer to upload photos & information
  • Lead sheets/notebook

And here are just a few rules that your property scout should follow:

  • They must be in the area you have them assigned to
  • Photos must be clear and show the house is for sure vacant
  • No realtor for sale signs in the front yard of the potential deal
    • “For Sale By Owner” may be OK if you decide you want these type of leads
  • Leads must be uploaded & emailed the day they are found
  • No duplicate leads

Most importantly, make sure you properly train your property scout to set them up for success. The more they know, the more it will benefit you and your business.

If you find one or two scouts that are truth worthy and hardworking, I would recommend possibly outsourcing other parts of your business to them. They can also assist with sending vacant house mailers, posting online classified ads and other necessary tasks that need done that you should not be spending your time on.