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Promotional Code Testing

“);var $radioCell = jQuery(” “);
var $descriptionCell = jQuery(” “);$radio = jQuery(““).attr(“id”, id).attr(“type”, “radio”).attr(“name”, “ShippingOptionId”).click(function(){calcTotals({target: {id:}})}).val(;
$descriptionCell.html(”  ” + + “ ($” + quote.price.toFixed(2) + “)”);$row.append($radioCell);
}var nameValuePairs =, “”).split(/&/);
var ids = {};for(var i = 0; i < nameValuePairs.length; i++) { var nameValuePair = nameValuePairs[i].split(/=/); var name = nameValuePair[0]; var value = nameValuePair[1]; if(name == “ShippingOptionId” || name == “ShippingDeliveryType”) { ids[name] = value; jQuery(“#” + name).val(value); } } if(typeof ids.ShippingOptionId == “undefined” && typeof ids.ShippingDeliveryType == “undefined”) { jQuery(“[name=ShippingOptionId]”).eq(0).attr(“checked”, “true”).trigger(“click”); } else { jQuery.each(idToQuoteMap, function(id, quote) { if(( == ids.ShippingOptionId && quote.deliveryType == ids.ShippingDeliveryType) || ( == ids.ShippingOptionId && quote.deliveryType == “”)) { jQuery(“#” + id).attr(“checked”, “true”).trigger(“click”); } }); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { log(errorThrown); } }); } function addressChangedHandler() { var billingAddressFields = [“StreetAddress1”, “City”, “State”, “PostalCode”, “Country”]; var shippingAddressFields = [“Address2Street1”, “City2”, “State2”, “PostalCode2”, “Country2”]; var filledFields = 0; function countFilledFields(i, fieldName) { var $element = jQuery(“[name=Contact0” + fieldName + “]”); var filled = false; if ((fieldName == “Country” || fieldName == “Country2”) && jQuery(“[name=Contact0” + fieldName + “]”).is(“:hidden”)) { filled = true; } else if($element.length > 0) {if($element.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() == “select”) {
filled = $element.get(0).selectedIndex > 0;
}else {
filled = $element.val().replace(/s/g, “”).length > 0;
if(filled) {
}jQuery.each(billingAddressFields, countFilledFields);
var billingFilledFields = filledFields;filledFields = 0;
jQuery.each(shippingAddressFields, countFilledFields);if((filledFields == 0 || (jQuery(“[name=Contact0Country2]”).is(“:hidden”) && filledFields == 1)) && billingFilledFields >= 5) {
}else if(filledFields >= 5) {
}else {
}jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery.each([“StreetAddress1”, “City”, “State”, “PostalCode”, “Country”, “Address2Street1”, “City2”, “State2”, “PostalCode2”, “Country2”], function(i, value) {
jQuery(“body”).delegate(“[name=Contact0” + value + “]”,’change’, addressChangedHandler);
function calcTotals(event) {
var element;
if(!event) {
event = window.event;
}if (event) {
if( {
element =;
}else if(event.srcElement) {
element = event.srcElement;
}if(element) {
if(element.nodeType == 3) {
element = element.parentNode;
}var quote = idToQuoteMap[];
if(typeof quote != “undefined”) {
document.getElementById(“ShippingDeliveryType”).value = quote.deliveryType;
document.getElementById(“ShippingPrice”).value = quote.price;
} } }
if(window.location.toString().search(‘’) == 0){
ajaxFillDiv(“orderTotal”, “”, jQuery(“#orderForm”).serialize());
crossSiteAjaxFillDiv(‘’, “orderTotal”, “/AddForms/include/saleTotal.jsp?formId=1”, jQuery(“#orderForm”).serialize());
var countrySelect = document.getElementById(“Contact0Country”);
var countryName = “”;
if (!jQuery(“[name = Contact0Country]”).is(“:hidden”)) {
countryName = countrySelect.options[countrySelect.selectedIndex].value;
} else {
countryName = “United States”
var stateField = document.getElementById(“Contact0State”);if(countryName != “United States” && countryName != “Canada”) {
stateField.size = 10;
stateField.maxLength = 40;
}else {
stateField.size = 2;
stateField.maxLength= 2;
if(oldCountry != null && oldCountry != countryName) {
stateField.value = “”;
oldCountry = countryName;
var shipCountrySelect = document.getElementById(“Contact0Country2”);
var shipCountryName = “”;
if (!jQuery(“[name = Contact0Country2]”).is(“:hidden”)) {
if(shipCountrySelect != null) {shipCountryName = shipCountrySelect.options[shipCountrySelect.selectedIndex].value;}
} else {
shipCountryName = “United States”
var shipStateField = document.getElementById(“Contact0State2”);if(shipCountryName != “United States” && shipCountryName != “Canada”) {
if(shipStateField != null ) {shipStateField.size = 10;
shipStateField.maxLength = 40;}
}else {
var shipStateSelect = jQuery(‘#Contact0State2’).is(‘select’);
shipStateField.size = shipStateSelect ? 1 : 2;
shipStateField.maxLength= 2;
if(oldShipCountry != null && oldShipCountry != shipCountryName) {
shipStateField.value = “”;
oldShipCountry = shipCountryName;

Contact Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Promotional Code
Select Promo Code *
Billing Address
Street Address 1 *
Street Address 2
City *
State *
Postal Code *
Credit Card Information
Card Type *
Card Number *
Expiration Month *
Expiration Year *
Product Purchase Plan
Free Test Product Amt
1 Payment of $1.00
Promo Code:Apply
Total Amount You Pay Right Now

Please enter your billing or shipping address to see the available shipping options.