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A: Support contact information is or call (877) 811-3011.
A: If you have an existing Facebook account, you just need to request membership by following this link.
A: You can build a fan page for your REI business on Facebook and do paid advertising. (PPC) JUST DON’T EVER ASK FOR MONEY OR ADVERTISE AN INTEREST RATE OR MAKE AN OFFER as this is ILLEGAL.
A: Yes the note and mortgage can be prepared by an attorney BUT once you have yours approved by your attorney you cannot edit it yourself, all further changes can be done by the attorney for final review (not yourself).
A: There are real estate ATTORNEYS EVERYWHERE IN EVERY STATE IN EVERY COUNTY. Most times its best to find an attorney who either owns or used to own a title company or a Real Estate Attorney.
A: I use the same LLC over and over again to do deals. Since we are selling them off, your LLC won’t own properties very long. If we were talking about rentals then you would have multiple LLCs.
A: If you have an existing Facebook account, you just need to request membership by following this link.
A: There’s actually no such thing as a President of an LLC. There are no officer positions in an LLC. There are just “managing members”. So sign as “managing member”.
A: We have a formal closing every time. It is required to close with the Title Company/ Attorney for that state but the Title Company or Attorney does all the recording.
A: YES – you can use my deals and black out the clients info – OR you can create a dummy client as an example.

A: There are several companies that can host websites (Rackspace, GoDaddy, Hostgator) to name a few. and you can hire a designer off of Upwork to build at a reasonable rate.CRM’s that we recommend to our students are Freedomsoft and Realeflow.

A: The One Flip members site is FOREVER! You can access this site 24/7.